Friday, January 9, 2015

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Toasted Cheese Sandwiches With Tomato

 in our site which called Low Calorie Recipes, will  Introduce new preparation which called Toasted Cheese Sandwiches With Tomato.

Low Calorie Recipes

that's plate has low calorie = 93 calories.
it's Considered more low than a usual plate which very good taste.
simply a tomato and green onion on slice from Biscuits which make from wheat and Barley, covered it  with A layer of grated cheese, then put it in girl for some minutes which you make it hot before.

What Do You Need To Make It !!

 #1- 1 Biscuits from fully seeds.
#2- 15 gram fresh creamy cheese.
#3- 40 gram Tomato.
#4- A small amount green minced onion.

For more cooking tips and kitchen wisdom visit Low Calorie Recipes.


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